SUMMARY: This bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with…
Under Sections 24 to 33 of the Crime and Security Act 2010, suspected domestic abusers of 18 and over can be banned from their homes for up to four weeks even…
Here is the latest News Briefing from PARITY: News Items: David YarwoodHM Queen Elizabeth IIDavid Yarwood RememberedRecollection of David as a FatherDavid Yarwood: Gentleman and Pioneer for Men’s EqualityContentsAGM Open Session…
Here is the latest News Briefing from PARITY: News Items: PARITY AGM 2023 Open Session on You TubeInternational Men’s Day UKMen’s-Health-in-Strategy-Policy-and-Practice-Full-Conference-ProgrammeMinister for Men in the MediaMan Presumed Guilty and Taken into…
Here is the latest AGM Announcement from PARITY: Intinary For AGM: – Buffet Lunch & Refreshments ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OPEN MEETING The Importance of a Male Centred Approach to Mental Health…