All Articles And Publications From Dewar4Research
In post-Renaissance France and England, society ridiculed and humiliated husbands thought to be battered and/or dominated by their wives (Steinmetz, 1977-78). In France, for instance, a "battered" husband was trotted around…
The Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) was first devised by Professors Murray Straus and Richard Gelles in the USA in the 1970’s (Straus and Gelles, 1974) as a means of measuring what…
A recent dissertation, inspected at the University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, shows that Finnish men face genderdiscrimination both in working life and outside of it. The study examined a total of…
Here we have a selection of media references and sources about the mentioned topic from various sources. NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES - Attributed / Unattributed items: Steele, John & Pook, Sally. Sun…
CHILD HOMICIDE: This resume provides selected information on child homicide from six countries: England and Wales, Scotland, Canada, USA, and Australia. The information given is primarily intended to encourage and inform…