Publications on domestic abuse aka intimate partner violence (ipv).
General Enquiry using FOI Requests into Domestic Violence services in London in 2016/17: Locations of London Boroughs: Courtesy GLA map 1.) Hackney & City2.) Hammersmith & Fulham3.) Kensignton & Chelsea4.) Westminster…
Under Sections 24 to 33 of the Crime and Security Act 2010, suspected domestic abusers of 18 and over can be banned from their homes for up to four weeks even…
This response to the CAFCASS consultation on draft domestic violence assessment policy is made on behalf of Dewar Research. Dewar Research is a private initiative formed in 1996 to collate information…
Latest Figures shown, from 41 police forces across England and Wales showed that 158,974 men reported to them as being victims of domestic abuse in 2017 – one in four of…
Detailed British Crime Surveys of Intimate Abuse: Twelve detailed surveys of intimate domestic abuse/violence in England and Wales have been carried out since 1995 as supplements to the regular British Crime…