Publications on domestic abuse aka intimate partner violence (ipv).
Introduction: In late November 2008 and early 2009, statistics of recorded incidents of domestic related non-sexual violence against the person (VAP) during the year 2007/08 were sought by Dewar Research from…
In post-Renaissance France and England, society ridiculed and humiliated husbands thought to be battered and/or dominated by their wives (Steinmetz, 1977-78). In France, for instance, a "battered" husband was trotted around…
Victims who have come forward with there experiences to the Dewar Research Survey 2001(1) by 100 male victims of domestic violence in England and Wales and in Ireland suggested that genuine…
The prejudice and discrimination practiced by the Government and State against male victims of domestic violenceis such that the former Skimmington punishment of such men is now incorporated into official doctrine…
A Report On Domestic Abuse reported to all UK Police Forces, over a one year period in 2012 - 2013. Source: Private FOI Requests Can you please provide the details of…